Tag Archive: Data Validation

RegEx Validation In Silverlight 3

Introduction In this article we will see how can we use RegEx Validation in Silverlight. Creating Silverlight Project Fire up Visual Studio 2008 and create a new Silverlight 3 Project. Name it as… Continue reading

Data Validation In DataGrid In Silverlight 3 Application

Introduction We have already seen how to validate input data using DataAnnotations and DataInput controls. In this article we will see how it can be implemented to a DataGrid. That means validating user… Continue reading

Data Validation In Silverlight 3 Application

Introduction Data Validation, in an ASP.NET site you can easily implement the Data Validation using the Validation options like Required Field Validator, Range Validator so and so forth . So the basic question… Continue reading

Data Input Controls In Silverlight 3 Application

Introduction In my last article titled “Data Annotations In Silverlight 3 Applications”, we saw how it is very helpful to validate the user input. In this article we will see how Data Input… Continue reading